Friday, May 9, 2008

Free newspapers, free news

Poll finds news execs predict newspapers could be free within 10 years.
And here's a story suggesting WIMAX will replace cable and phone-line Internet. It's already in Korea, but three years away for the United States. Makes you wonder why.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

E & P previews state of J-education

Podlicious interview with senior editor Joe Strupp, who looks at what J-schools AREN'T doing these days.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Uploading test

Below is a brief video uploaded to YouTube.
Here's how it worked on a Mac:
Open iMovie project.
Compress Movie for CD-ROM
(If the file is very large, compress for Web)
(This should let you save it as a .mov file in your Movies folder)

Go to YouTube and sign in -- or establish an account.
Upload (yellow button on the right)
Fill in the form -- don't forget tags
Upload a video
Select a video to upload
Choose file
Once the video uploads, YouTube generates an embed code you can paste into your blog, thus:

Monday, May 5, 2008

Quinnipiac journalists break with school, go online

Check out this story in the New Haven Register about trouble brewing at Quinnipiac.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Cool new stuff

Bryan Murley is with the Center for Innovation in College Media.
He tracks new stuff and blogs about it.
Here are a few of his new favorite things:
A free timeline creator called dipity.
A witty audio slideshow from Eastern Illinois.
Here's something called Sprout that allows you to create multimedia packages. Murley says you don't have to learn Flash.

Charlotte Albright over in TVS sent me a link to, a multimedia site maintained by j-students at U Mass.