Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Newspaper video assignment

This assignment is due on Thursday, April 15. You can work on it right after you mail in your taxes!
Critique the video offerings of two newspapers.
Find one that offers video and does an effective job with it, and another that offers video but does not do an effective job with it.
Post your critique on your blog along with links to the video offerings.
Sorry, but you can't use the New York Times.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Final Project Guidelines

For the final multimedia project in the class, please choose two (or more) of the forms we have worked on during the semester and tell a fresh story.

You may work in teams or solo.

The only form that is off-limits is the blog, though you will post your project on your blog.

You may combine interactive maps, podcasts, slideshows, audio slideshows, and videos.
Examples: a podcast, slideshow or video that plays out of an interactive map; or a video that combines still and moving pictures.

This project does not require a text component.


Tuesday, April 27: Post a description of your project on your blog.
Tuesday, May 11, 2:45 p.m.: Project is due at the start of this class period, which is the time set aside for your final exams. The final projects will serve as your final exam. Each team will present its project.

Video Project

Due April 22

Create a video package that runs 1:30 to 2 minutes, and a 400-word text to accompany it.

As with the audio slideshows, create a journalistic narrative with a beginning that introduces the subject, a middle, and an end.

Post the project on iReport.com, and on your blog.

Include sound. This can be natural sound or an interview, or both. It can also include your own narration; however, the project must include sound created outside of your group.

Any music needs to be royalty-free.

The text and the video package should complement each other and not simply repeat what the other says. For instance, a team could put together a video about rehearsals for “Rent,” and the text could review the play.

Thursday, April 1, 2010