Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Podcast critique assignment

This assignment is due on Monday, Feb. 6.

Between now and Monday, subscribe to three podcasts. You can do this at the iTunes store – they are free.
Listen to at least two episodes of each podcast so you get a feel for it.
Write a post on your blog that explains
- why you picked each one,
- what you liked and disliked about each one,
- whether you think you will continue listening to any of them,
- and whether you put them on an iPod or other player.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

YouTube uploads hit 60 hours... per minute

Are you a YouTuber? If so, you've been really busy, according to the Daily Telegraph.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Critique a blog

Due Wednesday Jan. 25:
Go out on the World Wide Web and find a blog. Any blog will do, but I would encourage you to avoid the super-popular ones. Technorati.com can help guide you to blogs on any topic.

I used it to find a blog about chickens!
In your critique, please tell us:
what you like and dislike about the blog;
how often it is updated (avoid "dead" blogs);
whether the Comments indicate anyone is reading it;
what media elements beyond text it uses.
Post your critique on your own blog.

"Pimp My Blog"

Project due Monday, Jan. 30: Create the coolest blog you can.
Play with design.
Use the customize button to add features.
Write a blog entry explaining the process you went through, and why you chose the things you did.
Best blog wins a prize.
A -- Blew me away. Fun design, cool features. Lots of extra elements such as pictures, audio or video.
B -- Good blog. A few interesting elements.
C -- It's okay, but it's obvious nobody spent a lot of time constructing it.
D -- It's there, but it looks no different from the ur-blog created on Jan. 18.
F -- It's not there.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Welcome to ENG 2155

Please tell us the URL of the blog you just created. Use the comment feature at the bottom of this post.